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When creating a commissioned piece, you as a client have access to direct input in the creative process, allowing you to provide specific details about the style, size, and subject matter of the artwork.


Guided by intuitive messaging, a commissioned piece is highly personal and exclusive to the client. From beginning to end I receive messages from the universe through this meditational practice of creation which formalises and attaches to your artwork .

It is a creative technique for producing artwork without thought or intervention from the conscious mind. It uses unconscious bodily motions such as breathing and dreaming to create art in honour of you.

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For each creation, I open the channelling path with sage and crystal rituals allowing psychic messages to come through as I am painting. I cannot guarantee who comes through. These can come in the form of animals and elements of the earth. 

How it


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How to start the process?

If intuitive commision is something you feel aligns with you, contact Amanda to start uncovering your spiritual story.

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